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近日,卫生部宣布将“非典”列入《中华人民共和国传染病防治法》法定传染病进行管理。根据《传染病防治法》相关规定,对于列入法定传染病进行管理的疾病,政府主管人员不得隐瞒、谎报疫情;医疗卫生机构不得拒收患病人员;患者及家属必须配合检查治疗。对于违反《传染病防治法》的有关规定、情节严重、构成犯罪的,可依照刑法有关规定追究刑事责任,刑期长者可达7年。在“非典”之前,被纳入传染病防治法法定管理的传染病共有34种,其中包括鼠疫、霍乱、艾滋病等。 Recently, the Ministry of Health announced the inclusion of “SARS” in the legal infectious diseases of “Law of the People’s Republic of China on Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases”. According to the relevant provisions of the Law on the Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases, the government officials in charge of the management of the legal infectious diseases shall not hide or misdetect the epidemic; the medical and health institutions shall refuse the sick workers; the patients and their families must cooperate with the inspection and treatment. Anyone who violates the relevant provisions of the Law on the Prevention and Treatment of Infectious Diseases, if the circumstances are serious enough to constitute a crime, may be prosecuted for criminal liability in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Criminal Law, with the term of imprisonment being up to seven years. Before the “SARS”, there were 34 infectious diseases that were included in the statutory administration of the Infectious Disease Control Law, including plague, cholera and AIDS.
白居易,字乐天,唐代宗大历七年(公元772年)生于河南新郑。贞元十六年擢进士,官至太子少傅、刑部尚书,勋至上柱国。武宗会昌六年(公元846年)75岁卒于洛阳。 作为诗人,白居易
哎!每次偷偷干点儿坏事,都被老妈“收拾”得很惨,跑去向老爸诉苦,他老人家总是满不在乎地说,只要没捣蛋,咱惹不起就躲……可是,躲多远才能躲得过呢?美国那颗间谍卫星躲得远不远,还不照样被导弹打下来了,试问同被老妈“压迫”的哥们儿,咱能远得过卫星吗?  要说这卫星在天上好好的,日子过得神游自在,干嘛非要把人家打下来呢?原因可能跟咱一样——不听话了吧。人类把卫星发射上去,就是为了让它乖乖给咱干活儿的,可它
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