时间:2014.05.12地点:北京CBC活动中心(佟麟阁路85号中华圣公会教堂)主办机构:CBC(China Building Centre)协办媒体:《城市·环境·设计》(UED)杂志社、中国建筑报道网我是1963年出生的,现在已经51岁(2014年)。近日我回想自己的经历,越来越有这样的感觉:台湾与大陆都面对着几乎一样的事,世界似乎有着许多看不见的力量在支持我们自我解放——1987年台湾解严,两年后我就怀着一种近乎逃离的心情去了美国念书,大概是当时有种想要看到外面世界真实面貌的心情。到纽
Time: 2014.05.12 Venue: Beijing CBC Activity Center (Church of the Episcopal Church of China, 85 Tong Lin Ge Road) Organizer: China Building Center (CBC) Co-organizers: UED Magazine, I was born in 1963 and is now 51 (2014). Recently, I came back to my own experience and felt increasingly like this: Taiwan and the Mainland are facing almost the same thing. The world seems to have many invisible forces supporting our self-liberation - Taiwan’s anti-secession in 1987 and two years later I went to study in the United States with an almost fledgling mood, presumably when I wanted to see the true face of the outside world. To New Zealand