棉古毒蛾Orgyia postica(walker)是属于鳞翅目毒蛾科。它分布广,食性杂,能危害多种作物,果树和林木。近年来,由于福建大面积种植一种重要的栲胶原料一黑荆树,此种害虫接踵而至,并大量发生,危害甚为严重,大发生时甚至整片树林被吃光。笔者于83年10月间在调查黑荆树害虫的过程中,发现棉古毒蛾幼虫有自然感染死亡的现象。经采集鉴
Cotton ancient moth Orgyia postica (walker) belongs to Lepidoptera guttata. It is widely distributed, miscellaneous food habits, can harm a variety of crops, fruit trees and trees. In recent years, due to the large area of Fujian planted an important black jelly seed material, followed by a large number of occurrence, the harm is very serious, even when the whole piece of forest was eaten. The author in October 83 in the investigation of black wattle pests in the process, found that ancient cotton moth larvae have natural infection death phenomenon. After collecting Kam