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高校图书馆在高等教育中占据着重要位置,担负着为教学和科研提供服务的双重任务,一直都是高校建设中的重点内容。高校图书馆对于辅助教学活动开展,提高教学质量,拓宽学生知识面,促进学生协调发展发挥了积极作用。但随着高等教育改革的不断深入,高校生存环境发生了根本性变化,高校图书馆管理难度越来越大,在信息资源管理方面面临着许多新问题,信息资源管理改革创新势在必行。本文将针对新时期高校图书馆信息资源管理的发展与创新展开研究。 The university library occupies an important position in higher education and shoulders the dual task of providing services for teaching and research. It has always been the key content in the construction of colleges and universities. The university library has played a positive role in helping teaching activities, improving teaching quality, broadening students ’knowledge and promoting students’ coordinated development. However, with the deepening of higher education reform, the living environment of colleges and universities has undergone fundamental changes. The management of university libraries is more and more difficult. There are many new problems in the management of information resources. The reform and innovation of information resources management is imperative. This article will study the development and innovation of university library information resource management in the new era.
1973年12月14日,美国在南极地区开办“南极地方邮政”业务,当日特许寄信人自行设计“邮票”并免费投递。许多南极科学家们纷纷设计“邮票”,制作首日封以作纪念。 On Decem
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蟹非鱼,但库塘钓时常碰到。故本刊特以鱼待之,奉此钓蟹文给读者。 Crab non-fish, but Ku Tang fishing often encountered. Therefore, special articles to fish to be tr
采用金相、透射电镜,电阻——温度测试和应力——应变测试等方法研究了Cu-23.4at%Zn-8.6at%Al形状记忆合金的冷加工及其对性能的影响。 The cold working of Cu-23.4at% Zn-8.