灵芝是滋补强壮、扶正固本的珍品。我们以前的研究证明,灵芝确有广泛的药理作用,有助于机体保持稳态,增强抗病能力。中医认为,灵芝能“补肝气”。我们也证明灵芝有保护和加强肝脏功能的作用。体内核酸和蛋白质的代谢与肝功能密切相关。目前尚未见到国内外有关灵芝对核酸蛋白质代谢影响的研究报导。本文报告灵芝多糖对肝脏合成血清蛋白质功能的影响的初步结果。 材料和方法 灵芝多糖D_6由本院药学系植物化学教研室提供]系由赤芝[Ganodermalucidum (Leyss ex Fr.)Karst。人工培养的子实体提得。属小分子多糖类。 昆明种小白鼠 体重13~15克,雌雄兼有,随
Ganoderma lucidum is a treasure that nourishes the body and strengthens it. Our previous studies have shown that Ganoderma lucidum does have a wide range of pharmacological effects, helping the body to maintain homeostasis and enhance disease resistance. Chinese medicine believes that Ganoderma lucidum can “supplement the liver.” We also prove that Ganoderma has a role in protecting and strengthening liver function. The metabolism of nucleic acids and proteins in the body is closely related to liver function. At present, there have been no reports on the effects of Ganoderma lucidum on the metabolism of nucleic acid proteins at home and abroad. This paper reports the preliminary results of the effect of Ganoderma lucidum polysaccharides on liver synthesis of serum protein function. Materials and Methods Ganoderma lucidum polysaccharide D_6 was provided by the Department of Phytochemistry of the Department of Pharmacy of our hospital] [Ganodermalucidum (Leyss ex Fr.) Karst. Artificially cultivated fruiting bodies. Is a small molecule polysaccharides. Kunming species of mice weighing 13 to 15 grams, both male and female, with