
来源 :北京纺织 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:idlerman
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《北京纺织》自1979年9月创刊以来,经历了不平凡的17载,为我国纺织工业的繁荣与发展作出了卓越的贡献,现在迎来了创刊100期的纪念日,我们为此欢呼、歌唱和致以衷心地祝贺!《北京纺织》的创刊,正值党的十一届三中全会以后,我国正迈开改革开放的步伐,全党的工作重点逐渐转移到经济建设的轨道,科学的春风已吹拂大地,学科学、钻研技术蔚然成风.在这样的大好形势下,《北京纺织》在北京市纺织系统领导的重视和关怀下诞生了.市委宣传部于1980年下文批准为“正式的内部科技刊物,在全国同行业中发行”,同年10月办理了广告经营许可证,自1982年起由季刊改为双月刊.1988年被批准为国内外公开发行刊物.《北京纺织》的办刊宗旨是坚持四项基本 Since Beijing Textile started its publication in September 1979, it has undergone an extraordinary 17 years and made outstanding contributions to the prosperity and development of China’s textile industry. Now we are celebrating the 100th anniversary of the founding of the textile industry. We cheer for this. Singing and heartily congratulating! Beijing Textile started its publication. Just after the Third Plenary Session of the 11th CPC Central Committee, our country is embarking on the pace of reform and opening up. The focus of the entire party’s work has gradually shifted to the track of economic construction. Science In this excellent situation, “Beijing Textile” was born under the care and attention of the leadership of the textile system in Beijing Municipal Committee Propaganda Department in 1980 approved the following as “formal Internal science and technology publications, issued in the same industry in the country, ”the same year in October for the advertising business license, changed from quarterly to bimonthly in 1982. 1988 was approved for domestic and foreign public offering.“ Beijing Textile ” The purpose is to uphold the four basic
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Influence produced by the heat effect at work of the laser instrument crystal of the semiconductor, the text designs a kind of temperature control system to the
本文探讨了真空渗碳工艺参数对27SiMnMoV钢针阀体渗碳层深度、碳浓度、力学性能及炭黑的影响。得出炉压由150 torr降至100 torr(其它参数基本不变),渗层深度、碳浓度相近和力