【摘 要】
The key of swaying tree simulation is to capture the essence of the interaction between wind and tree,which has not received much attention from scholars.In thi
【机 构】
Faculty of Automation and Information Engineering, Xi’an University of Technology, Xi’an 710048, Chi
The key of swaying tree simulation is to capture the essence of the interaction between wind and tree,which has not received much attention from scholars.In this paper,we present a method for simulating swaying tree based on slicing partition.The tree is divided into multiple “slices”,and then jointly moved to simulate the tree swaying in wind.By slicing partition,the motion of any slice is independent of the others concurrently,which provides a parallel spatial topology for real-time calculation.Moreover,based on the fact that the wind will blow to a tree partly rather than the whole,partial swayings of the tree are also simulated.The experimental results show the correctness and effectiveness of our method.
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