频传捷报庆千年, 开发春潮涌洱滇。 紫气东来民振奋, 彩云南现喜空前。 邓公旗帜须高举, 禹甸中兴务领先。 策马扬鞭奔大道, 辉煌再铸艳阳天。七律:西部大开发抒怀@吴楷柏$会泽县委党校
Frequent reports celebrate the Millennium, the development of spring tide Chung Yunnan. Purple East Lai people excited, Choi Wannan is unprecedented. Deng’s banner to be held high, Yu Austin Zhongxing business lead. Zhan Ma Yang whip Ben Avenue, brilliant and then cast sunny day. Qilu: West Development Express @ Wu Kai Bai $ Huize County Party School