十多年来西德硬煤矿都在使用掩护支架,并用在采深1400米的倾斜和缓倾斜煤层内。有79.3%的回采工作面装备了掩护支架。有77.1%的商品煤产自掩护式支架工作面。 1981年,杜塞尔多夫采矿展览会展示了西德掩护支架发展的最高技术水平。近10年来掩护支架有了突飞猛进地发展。其主要方面是:支架的托梁伸到煤壁处;采煤机和支架综合配套;减轻了支架重量;改进了支架的控制和液压系统;发展了倾斜煤层支架;研制出风力充
For more than a decade, West Hard coal mines have used shelving brackets and are used in slanted and gently inclined coal seams at a depth of 1,400 meters. There are 79.3% of the mining face equipped with shield support. 77.1% of commercial coal produced from the shelving face. In 1981, the Messe Düsseldorf Mining Showcase demonstrated the highest technical level in the development of the West German shield. In the past 10 years, the scaffolding has undergone rapid development. The main aspects are as follows: the support joists extend to the coal wall; the shearer and the support are integrated; the weight of the support is reduced; the control and hydraulic system of the support are improved; the support of the inclined seam is developed;