一、育培壮苗选用耐低温、抗病、结球早的品种,在2月上中旬播种,每1/15公顷用种子100克左右。种子经温水或药剂处理后,播在10厘米×10厘米的塑料或纸营养钵内,盖土0.5厘米。苗期以保温为主,出土前白天温度以25~28℃,夜间20℃为宜;出苗后白天温度20℃,夜间12℃以上。苗龄40~45天,六七片叶时定植。定植前10天低温炼苗。二、及时定植 3月下旬定植时,
First, fertility nursery seedlings selection of low temperature, disease resistance, early ball varieties, sowing in mid-February, about 1/15 hectare with 100 grams of seeds. Seeds treated with warm water or medicine, sow in 10 cm × 10 cm plastic or paper nutrition bowls, covered with soil 0.5 cm. Preservation at seedling stage, the temperature during the day before excavated to 25 ~ 28 ℃, 20 ℃ at night is appropriate; daytime temperature after emergence 20 ℃, at night above 12 ℃. Seedling age 40 to 45 days, six or seven leaf colonization. 10 days before planting low temperature hardening seedlings. Second, timely planting planting in late March,