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目的提高NaI(Tl)γ能谱的测量精度,拓展其应用范围。方法针对NaI(Tl)γ能谱的谱型特征,利用权重最小二乘法进行解谱。结果介绍了低本底NaI(Tl)γ能谱仪的常用解谱方法,着重介绍了权重最小二乘法(WLSQ)的原理和算法,并在Matlab平台下编程。结论同一样品谱利用WLSQ求解的结果与HPGe谱仪测量的结果的偏差小于10%。 Objective To improve the measurement accuracy of NaI (Tl) γ spectrum and expand its application range. Methods According to the spectral features of NaI (Tl) γ spectra, the least square method was used to solve the spectrum. Results The commonly used method for solving the low background NaI (Tl) gamma spectrometer was introduced. The principle and algorithm of weighted least squares (WLSQ) were emphatically introduced and programmed under the Matlab platform. Conclusion The results of WLSQ analysis on the same sample spectrum are less than 10% deviation from the measurement results of HPGe spectrometer.
读者关注提银产业  记者走进“金氏提银”    2008年3月24日,记者来到金氏提银总部,见到了中国提银行业领军者、提银专家金春锋。无论他在提银行业做得如何风生水起,无论同行媒体怎样称赞他为提银先锋、青年才俊,这些都不重要,记者来实地采访就是带着读者的种种疑问,揭开“金氏提银”的真实面纱。这一次,记者可要擦亮眼睛,看看这银子到底是怎么提出来的!  经过将近1天细致详尽的跟踪采访,记者对金氏提银形