90年代以来 ,朝鲜经济陷入了长期难以摆脱的困境。近年来 ,为摆脱贫困朝鲜采取了“以朝鲜式的社会主义体制为基础 ,以发展科学技术为手段 ,以建设强盛大国为目标 ,实施五大优先部门产业正常化 ,培育 IT产业实现跳跃式发展和朝鲜式变化”等经济恢复战略。然而收效甚微。这是其经济发展路线、中央集权的计划经济体制、三元化的经济结构造成的 ,而经济改革却没有触及这些实质性问题。改革开放是朝鲜走出经济困境的惟一选择 ,这种改革开放只能是分阶段的、渐进式的。
Since the 1990s, North Korea’s economy has plunged into a difficult long-term dilemma. In recent years, the DPRK has taken “North Korea-style socialist system as the foundation, development of science and technology as a means and construction of a powerful and prosperous nation as its goal, implementing the normalization of industries in the five priority sectors and fostering the IT industry to achieve leapfrog development Korean change ”and other economic recovery strategies. However, with little success. This is caused by the planned economic system of its economic development, centralized planning and the three-dimensional economic structure that has not touched upon these substantive issues. Reform and opening up are the only options for North Korea to get out of economic difficulties. Such reform and opening up can only be phased and gradual.