
来源 :现代生物医学进展 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shadowyin
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食管癌是我国一种常见的消化道恶性肿瘤,居世界癌症死因第7位,中国癌症死因第4位。其中以中段鳞状细胞癌多见,临床表现以晚期进行性吞咽困难为主,确诊主要以胃镜病理活检为金标准,其治疗方法主要有手术、放疗、化疗及分子靶向治疗等。但目前治疗上仍然以手术为主,术前术后放化疗为辅。然而,随着手术在食管癌治疗中适应症的不断扩大、根治性手术淋巴结的扩大清扫及拥有基础疾病高龄患者的增多,术后并发症的发生率不可避免的随之增加。本文将重点阐述吻合口瘘、吻合口狭窄、呼吸及心血管并发症、乳糜胸、胃排空障碍、膈疝、喉返神经损伤及单纯脓胸、严重腹泻、呕血等食管癌术后常见、严重并发症的病因、临床表现与诊断、治疗及其预防。通过对食管癌术后并发症的充分认识及有效预防,从而对食管癌手术成功率及患者术后生存质量的提高、肿瘤预后的改善起到了重要作用。 Esophageal cancer is a common malignant tumor of the digestive tract in China, ranking seventh in the world in terms of cancer death and fourth in the cause of cancer in China. Among them, the middle stage of squamous cell carcinoma is more common. The clinical manifestations are advanced progressive dysphagia. The main biopsies confirmed by gastroscopy are the gold standard. The main treatment methods are surgery, radiotherapy, chemotherapy and molecular targeted therapy. However, the current treatment is still based on surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy supplemented preoperative and postoperative. However, as the surgical indications for esophageal cancer continue to expand, the expansion of radical surgical lymph nodes and elderly patients with underlying diseases have increased, the incidence of postoperative complications inevitably increases. This article will focus on anastomotic fistula, anastomotic stenosis, respiratory and cardiovascular complications, chylothorax, gastric emptying disorders, diaphragmatic hernia, recurrent laryngeal nerve injury and simple empyema, severe diarrhea, hematemesis and other esophageal cancer common, severe Etiology, clinical manifestations and diagnosis, treatment and prevention of complications. Through the full understanding of the postoperative complications of esophageal cancer and effective prevention, so the success rate of esophageal cancer surgery and postoperative quality of life of patients improved, improve the prognosis of the tumor played an important role.