巴黎的地铁是以它先进的现代化设备和优质的服务而著称世界的。尤其是在卢浮宫、凯旋门、巴士底狱这些旅游胜地,各种优美的雕塑、油画、壁画装饰着地铁站的候车室,在那里等车顺便可以有一种艺术的享受。然而,有一天发生的一件事,彻底改变了我对巴黎地铁的印象。 那天,我突然接到一个电话,“朱小姐,请你无论如何以最快的速度到凯旋门地铁站来一下,越快越好。”留学生小王在电话中气急败坏地说。 我想事情一定很严重,就匆忙向老板请了假,往地铁站奔去。一路上,我不住地想:是病了?是丢了钱
Parisian metro is famous for its state-of-the-art equipment and excellent service. Especially in the Louvre, the Arc de Triomphe, Bastille these tourist attractions, a variety of beautiful sculptures, paintings, murals decorated with the subway station waiting room, where waiting by the way the car can have an artistic enjoyment. However, one thing happened one day, completely changed my impression of the Paris Metro. That day, I suddenly received a phone call, “Miss Zhu, please at any rate to the Arc de Triomphe subway station as soon as possible, the sooner the better.” Student Wang angrily said on the phone. I think things must be very serious, they hurried to the boss on leave, ran to the subway station. Along the way, I do not think: Is it ill? Lost money