云南云龙县沘江,发源于兰坪县东北部山区,从金顶流入云龙县境,至功果吊桥下游汇入澜沧江,流经云龙县境长约135公里。因此云龙县境内桥梁众多,结构型式各异,被称为“桥梁博物馆”。从古老的藤篾桥、铁链桥,至现代的混凝土桥;从索吊结构、悬挑撑架结构桥,至大跨径石拱桥和梁式桥;从人行用桥至汽车用桥,真是应有尽有,令人惊叹不已。沘江上的桥梁可分为四种类型结构: 第一种类型为索吊结构。有藤篾桥、铁链桥、索道桥、钢索吊桥、溜索等。目前在白石乡境内跨沘江的一座藤篾桥,承重索已改为钢索,桥梁横断面为竖椭圆形,四周用藤条编织而成,人行道用木板铺装,其跨径约35米。桥两岸树木茂密,人走在桥上有飘飘欲仙之感。铁链桥及简易式索道桥,现沘江上还保留6座,主要供沘江两岸人畜往返使用。铁链桥与索道桥桥台上建有房屋,有避雨的功能。柔性钢索吊
Yunnan Yunlong County Qiujiang, originated in the northeastern region of Lanping County, flows from Jinding into Yunlong County, to the fruit hanging bridge downstream into the Lancang River and flows through Yunlong County about 135 kilometers. Therefore, many bridges in Yunlong County, different types of structures, known as the “Bridge Museum.” From ancient rattan bridge, iron chain bridge, to the modern concrete bridge; from the rope hanging structure, cantilever structure bridge, to the long-span stone arch bridge and beam bridge; from the pedestrian bridge to the car with a bridge, really everything, Amazing. The bridges on the Han River can be divided into four types of structures: The first type is a cable-stayed structure. There are rattan bridge, chain bridge, ropeway bridge, cable suspension bridge, zipper and so on. Currently in Shiraishi Township, a rattan bridge across the Han River, load-bearing cable has been replaced by steel cables, the bridge cross-section is oval, surrounded by woven rattan, sidewalk paved with a span of about 35 meters . Bridge lush trees, people walking in the bridge have a sense of stoned. Chain Bridge and simple cable-stayed bridge, now Qijiang also retained six, mainly for the use of people and livestock across the Qijiang River. Chain Bridge and cableway bridge abutment built houses, a rain-shelter function. Flexible cable crane