Patient, female, 26 years old. Due to the discovery of urethral orifice tumor for 2 years, the tumor repeatedly bleeding 1 month admission. 2 years ago, patients found urethral orifice tumor in the outpatient clinic for tumor resection, postoperative pathological examination. A year ago found tumor recurrence, increased significantly conspicuously outside the urethra. Physical examination: the same type of tumor protruding in the mouth of the urethra, most of the mucosal surface smooth, was purple, the top surface erosion, ulcers (Figure 1A). Transvaginal ultrasound examination prompted urethral mass, 5.0cm × 2.5cm × 2.5cm size, was homogeneous hypoechoic, edge finishing, no significant blood flow signal. Patients take lithotomy position, probe with a fine probe urethra and tumor relationship, the mass pedicle is located 0.5cm away from the urethral orifice at 11 to 1 point position. Bladder urethral examination of the bladder