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  BEIJING, Sept. 4 (Xinhuanet)—Andre Agassi ended his two-decade professional tennis Sunday after being knocked out by German qualifier Benjamin Becker in the third round of U.S. Open in New York.
  The 25-year-old Becker, who entered the competition ranked 112th, won 7-5,6-7,6-4 over Agassi, who was ranked 39, in the match held in the Billie Jean King National Tennis Center in Forest Hills, Queens.
  After it finished, Agassi then sat in his chair and put a towel to his familiar face. He was already starting to cry.
  The crowd of over 23,000 stayed on their feet and cheered for several minutes applauding, while Becker was standing and clapping, too.
  Agassi then rose and blew four more kisses to the crowd, and eventually took the microphone from the on-court reporter and gave a speech instead of an interview with his voice breaking.
  “The scoreboard said I lost today,” said Agassi, his voice breaking with emotion, “but what the scoreboard doesn’t say is what it is I have found.”
  “You have willed me to achieve even in my lowest moments,” he added, “You have given me your shoulders to stand on to reach for my dreams, dreams that I could not have reached without you.”
  During the match, Agassi was unable to play his normal game. At change of ends, even there were moments when he barely seemed able to walk. He said that back pain flared, affected his game. “The pain came quickly; it can do that and it did, you immediately start cutting corners.”
  Agassi’s two-decade career record includes 868 wins and 273 losses. He appeared 20 times in the U.S. Open, winning the event in 1994 and in 1999. He won a total of eight Grand Slam titles, covering the U.S., French and Australian Opens, and Wimbledon.
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摘 要:笔者以《朗文》作为改革英语语法教学的课程资源,对“六模块建构式课堂”中的互动探究模块进行了若干尝试性探索。通过实践,使学生亲身感受和直接体验语言及语言探究,收到较好的效果。   关键词:词汇教学 《朗文》 实践探索     一、问题提出的背景   经历了理论与实践的结合,步入“十二五”期间,连云港市教研室在“三案六环节”的基础上提出了“六模块建构式课堂”的教学理念,遵循教学不能模式化
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