上学期,我听了一位老师的《求平均数》(第十册)一课,受益匪浅。整节课,无论是教学机智,还是情感碰撞,都饱含着老师关注学生全面发展的强烈责任感,下面就摘取其中的一个片断进行分析。 教学片断 在练习时,老师出示了一道题:五年(5)班5个同学期考的成绩分别是95分、98分、99分、93分、91分,他们的平均成绩是多少分?让学生独立完成,并指名说出列式(95+98+99+93+91)÷5=95.2的根据。
Last semester, I listened to a teacher's “Average” (Volume 10) a lesson benefited. The whole class, whether it is teaching wit, or emotional collision, is full of teachers concerned about the full responsibility of students a strong sense of responsibility, the following extract of one of the fragments for analysis. Teaching pieces In practice, the teacher showed a question: five years (5) 5 grade students test scores were 95 points, 98 points, 99 points, 93 points, 91 points, how much their average score? Have the students complete the quest independently, and name the naming of (95 + 98 + 99 + 93 + 91) ÷ 5 = 95.2.