多发性寻常疣,临床多见,目前治疗方法较多,但疗效均不满意。我科应用针刺治疗14例,疗效尚佳,小结如下: 本组病例14例,女性6例,男性8例,年龄12~35岁,好发部位:面部、指(趾)部,皮损由米粒样至桃仁样大,疣体多少不等,病程短则3个月,长至3年。方法:用银针从疣体四周基底部分别平行进针,以强刺激泻法针至局部出现酸、胀、困感,起针后达到局部有渗血,疗效更满意。皮损消退时间2~3周。针刺8天左右疣体逐渐干枯萎缩脱落,治
Multiple common warts, more common clinical, the current treatment more, but the efficacy is not satisfied. Our department acupuncture treatment of 14 cases, the effect is still good, the summary is as follows: The group of 14 patients, 6 females, 8 males, aged 12 to 35 years old, prone areas: the face, toe, By the rice-like to peach-like, how many warts, short duration of 3 months, up to 3 years. Methods: Needle acupuncture from the womb around the bottom of the base were parallel to the needle, strong stimulation diarrhea needle to the local emergence of acid, swelling, sleepy, up to local bleeding after the needle, the effect is more satisfied. Skin lesions subsided time 2 to 3 weeks. Acupuncture for about 8 days wart gradually shrinking shrinking, treatment