There are many mafic-ultramafic rocks distributed in the Kangute children ductile shear zone in the East Tianshan Mountains. These rock masses are closely related in the space and time of formation. Through the variation diagram of rock oxide in the typical ore deposit, it has a good linear relationship. The rare earth elements of typical deposits also have similar characteristics. The ore-bearing rock mass is characterized by high Mg, low alkali, low Ca, low Al, low Ti and high Mg ’, which shows that the deep source magma is well-differentiated. According to the TiO2 / 10-P2O5-MnO map, the magma in the area is characterized by the transition from tholeiitic basalt to calcareous-basalt. The magmatic source has the characteristics of calc-alkaline basaltic magma. The protoliths with better oreability have the characteristics of high m / f value, high S and low Ni / Co value.