盲目 不具备应有的文史哲修养,不具备起码的专业知识,不了解市场行情,听信旁人的神吹海聊,听信某些媒体的热哄爆炒,贸然入市,恍恍乎,懵懵然,当了冤大头,有的甚至血本无归。浮躁 古往今来,堪称收藏家者为数甚少,究其因,就在于收藏一行多为中长线,短线暴利极为难得。而如今入市
Blindly do not have the necessary history and culture of literature and history, do not have at least the professional knowledge, do not understand the market conditions, listen to the deafness of others talk, listen to some media hot coax stir, suddenly entered the market, suddenly seems, , When taken for good, some even lose everything. Impetuous throughout the ages, few collectors, the reason is that the collection of his long line for the most, short-term profits are extremely rare. And now the market