稳居世界乐团领导地位之一的费城管弦乐团,如今正在庆祝自己的百岁生日。这个充满动感与活力、技术上无懈可击的乐团一方面在传统交响领域保持着极高的水准,一方面在新曲目新技术领域也始终居于前沿地位。 自1912年利奥波德·斯托科夫斯基被委聘为音乐指导开始,费城乐团便一直通过横跨美洲大陆的旅行、录音、为青少年举办特别音乐会等活动使自己成为了美国交响音乐生活的推动者。不仅如此,乐团还
The Philadelphia Philharmonic, one of the world’s leading orchestras, is now celebrating its 100th birthday. This dynamic and dynamic, technically impeccable orchestra on the one hand in the field of traditional symphonic to maintain a high standard, on the one hand in the field of new tracks of new technology has always been at the forefront. Since Leopold Stokowski was commissioned as musical director in 1912, the Philharmonic Orchestra has been making American symphony music through events such as travel across the continental United States, recordings, and special concerts for teens Promoter of life. Not only that, the orchestra also