猴年刚过,全国人民还沉浸在“金鸡报晓”春回大地的欢乐之中,二月十四日(年初六),人们便从广播、电视、网络以及各种平面媒体上,听到和看到了又一起震惊国人的矿难消息——“2.14”辽宁阜新孙家湾煤矿特大瓦斯爆炸事故,以203人遇难、12人下落不明、29人受伤的沉重代价 (后死亡增至210人、失踪5人、受伤者3人),刷新了我国矿难史上的又一项黑色记录。然而祸不单行,次日下午二时三十分,云南省曲靖市富源县境内又发生一起无证煤矿
After the Year of the Monkey, the whole nation is still immersed in the joy of Spring Back to the world. On February 14 (the sixth day of the sixth lunar month), people hear from the radio, television, internet and various print media Saw another mine disaster that shocked people - “2.14” Extra-large gas explosion at Sunjiawan Mine in Fuxin, Liaoning Province, killing 203 people, missing 12 people and injuring 29 at a heavy cost , Missing 5, injured 3), refreshing another black record in the history of mine disasters. However, misfortunes never stopped. At 2.30 pm the next day, another unlicensed coal mine occurred in Fuyuan County, Qujing City, Yunnan Province