A 3D theoretical model for green management:a case study of Chinese enterprises

来源 :Ecological Economy | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hiketty
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Companies that not only abide by environmental regulations, but also discover new techniques and adopt newmanagement methods to reduce negative environmental impacts often have positive effects on corporate profitability. Inorder to meet the needs of sustainability of enterprises and protect environment, the concept of green management isdeveloped and regarded as an important direction of management theory of the 21st century. Though there are manytheories and practices about green management in western countries, they are built based on the developed marketeconomy, which are not suitable for Chinese enterprises absolutely. By analyzing the viewpoints and models of theoverseas and domestic experts and scholars, combining characteristic of China’s market economy, this paper points outthe real connotation of enterprise green management - the combination of ecological harmony (harmony between humanand nature) with human harmony (harmony among people), establishes a 3D theoretical model, points out the defects ofenterprise’s green management in China, reanalyzes and redesigned enterprise green management, which paves the wayfor the deeper and broader development of green management. Companies that not only abide by environmental regulations, but also discover new techniques and adopt newmanagement methods to reduce negative environmental impacts often have positive effects on corporate profitability. Inorder to meet the needs of sustainability of enterprises and protect environment, the concept of green management is found and there as management of the 21st century. Though there are manytheories and practices about green management in western countries, they are built based on the developed marketeconomy, which are not suitable for Chinese enterprises absolutely. By analyzing the viewpoints and models of theoverseas and domestic experts and scholars, combining characteristic of China’s market economy, this paper points out the real connotation of enterprise green management - the combination of ecological harmony (harmony between human and nature) with human harmony (harmony among people), established a 3D theoretical model, points out the defects ofenterprise’s green management in China, reanalyzes and redesigned enterprise green management, which paves the wayfor the deeper and broader development of green management.
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