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  France isn’t an obvious frontrunner in food recovery, but new legislation has helped catapult the nation to the top of the 2017 Food Sustainability Index.2
  France is a culinary3 leader—both at the table and, more recently, in the trash can.
  In February 2016, France became the first country in the world to prohibit supermarkets from throwing away unused food through unanimously4 passed legislation. Now, supermarkets of a certain size must donate unused food or face a fine. Other policies require schools to teach students about food sustainability, companies to report food waste statistics in environmental reports, and restaurants to make take-out bags available.5
  These laws “make it the norm to reduce waste,” says Marie Mourad, a PhD student in sociology at Sciences Po in Paris who has authored several reports on French food waste.6 “France is not the country that wastes the least food, but they have become the most proactive because they want to be the exemplary country in Europe.”7
  France’s efforts have not gone unnoticed. The country earned top ranking in the 2017 Food Sustainability Index, a survey of 25 countries across Europe, the Middle East, Asia, and the Americas conducted by the Economist and Barilla Center for Food and Nutrition Foundation (BCFN)8.

  The people of France wasted 234 pounds of food per person annually, according to the BCFN report, which is drastically better than France’s international counterparts, compared to about 430 pounds per capita thrown away per year in the United States.9
  Small scraps10 make big impact
  Food waste, or unused, edible11 food, is a global issue. Each year, some 1.3 billion metric tons, or one-third of all the food produced, is thrown away, according to the United Nations’ Food and Agriculture Organization.12 Recovering just 25 percent of that wasted food could feed 870 million hungry people—effectively ending world hunger.
  Not only does food waste fritter away valuable resources like water, arable land, and money, but it also fills up landfills, which emit methane.13 If food waste were a country, it would be the third largest greenhouse gas emitter behind the United States and China.
  “Food waste is so urgent because where and how we produce food has the biggest impact on the planet of any human activity,” says Jason Clay, senior vice president of food and markets at the World Wildlife Fund14.
大家还记得美国职篮NBA的华裔球星林书豪吗?2012年初爆红的他,近几来的表现似乎不尽理想,不是坐冷板凳等着当替补球员,就是在受伤、养伤之间循环。  2017年10月中,林书豪在一场比赛中“铲篮”,落地时失去平衡跌倒,面露痛苦的表情,不断自言自语说“I’m done”(我完了),经检查后证实为右膝肌腱撕裂,恐怕需要长时间的疗养。  看到林书豪的这一幕,想想他从生涯的高峰走了下来,不禁让人多有感慨。
集5次勒芒耐力赛桂冠荣誉与优良运动基因于一身的奥迪R8,堪称一款名副其实的顶级运动型轿车。在不久前举行的“2006巴黎车展”上正式亮相的奥迪勒芒quattro概念车为原型的中置发动机奥迪R8超级跑车量产车型,甫一亮相,就成为本次巴黎车展最耀眼的明星。  奥迪R8超级跑车拥有无比迷人的驾控感,在奥迪品牌的运动车型中堪称翘楚。中置420马力V8 FSI发动机、全时四轮驱动系统和奥迪全铝车身空间框架结构
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1.Don’t Use a BuiIt-in Theme4
Imagine hearing only the clip of your heels on the squares of Covent Garden2. If Charles Babbage3 had had his way in 1864 then a walk through town might have been eerily quiet today.  Babbage, the phi
英文里的外来语俯拾皆是,“纯种”的英文词汇反而屈居少数。之前介绍过英文里的拉丁文(如vice versa,“反之亦然”)和法文(如deja yu,“似曾相识”),相信读者还有印象,这一期我们再接再厉,一起来看看英文里的意大利文。  意大利文在文艺方面有着举足轻重的影响力,这极可能与意大利作为文艺复兴(Renaissance)的发源地密不可分,英文里借自意大利文的词汇多少也反映了这个事实。不过文艺毕
摘 要:当代批评理论的发展之路始于新批评决定提高门槛,要求一种更大的阐释回报,这条路继而由翻新了的原型批评(其主要创始人是加拿大的诺思洛普·弗莱)和人类学延续下去。福柯在某些方面可以说是回归了人类学永恒的天真,不过当那样做行不通的时候,他又试着将认识论置于形而上学之上。朱迪斯·巴特勒和霍米·巴巴沿着这个方向走了下去。他们走入的僵局导致了对于外在框架的探求(罗蒂和利奥塔的哲学之路),然而,这最终提示
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