
来源 :电力建设 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lialiaoliao
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为满足合肥电厂勘测设计的需要,解决工程实际问题,我们对膨胀土性质的改良利用做了些探索工作:以合肥粘土为主,分别掺入10%、20%的电厂粉煤灰,组成两组建筑材料,同不掺灰的纯合肥粘土平行试验进行比较,在尽可能不降低或少降低抗剪强度的前提下,使胀缩性能控制在设计允许范围之内,借以提出造价经济的工程设计方案。膨胀土之所以具有一定的胀缩性,主要是与其所含亲水性粘土矿物的多少及土的化 In order to meet the needs of the survey and design of Hefei Power Plant and solve practical engineering problems, we have done some exploration work on the improvement of the properties of expansive soils: mainly Hefei clay, which is mixed with 10% and 20% of power plant fly ash, respectively, to form two The construction materials of the group are compared with the parallel test of non-ash-filled pure Hefei clay. Under the premise of not reducing or reducing the shear strength as much as possible, the expansion and shrinkage performance is controlled within the allowable range of the design, so as to propose a cost-effective project. Design. The swelling and shrinkage of expansive soil is mainly related to the amount of hydrophilic clay minerals it contains and soil
以孙中山命名的"中山舰",原名"永丰舰",在中国近现代革命史上具有极其特殊的历史内涵和意义。自其建成之后,便与伟大的革命先行者孙中山结下不解之缘,伴随着孙中山经历了为共和奋斗的风风雨雨,从"讨袁"、"护法",到黄埔蒙难,目睹见证了近代中国为民族独立、中华振兴奋起抗争的许多重大历史事件,谱写下壮丽的篇章。  "永丰舰",为清宣统二年(1910年),由清廷筹办海军事务大臣载洵和北洋海军统制萨镇冰等在日