Oddities tells the story of a small town that took place in the 1960s. The book is divided into “Traces of the Spring,” “The Summer of Angels and Demons,” “The Fall of Burning,” “The Truth of the Harsh Winter,” and “Forever Oddities.” Wind Town "5, as the season changes, this story full of suspense twists and turns also experienced the beginning, development, orgasm, the end of several stages. On the morning of a spring day, a 12-year-old boy, accompanied by her father and father, gave her milk and suddenly saw a car burst into the lake. Daddy jumped into the lake to save her, but she saw the sight of his soul: that person was already dead, His hands were handcuffed to the steering wheel, in perfect condition, apparently tortured, with an iron wire around his neck ... After that day, Corey’s father was sunk by the lake all day