In this paper, under the linear assumption, the analytical expressions describing thepressure sphygmogram of the radial artery are obtained in regard to the effect of the bloodviscosity. Then the variations of the pulse wave form with some physiological parameterssuch as arterial elasticity, blood viscosity and resistance are discussed in detail too. Weobserved that venous injection of demethyladrenalin made a dog’s vessels contract and in-crease in resistance while that of parasitic loranthus made the vessels relax and decrease inresistance, and variations of the pressure sphygmogram of the dog’s radial artery conformedto theoretical results. Besides, taking the pressure sphygmogram of radial artery correspond-ing to smooth, normal and wiry pulses of the pulse conditions in traditional Chinese medicineas examples, we discussed the effect of related physiological parameters on these sphygmo-gram, which also conformed to the classical statement of the wiry, normal and smooth pulsesin traditional Chinese medicine.
In this paper, under the linear assumption, the analytical expressions describing the pressure sphygmogram of the radial artery are obtained in regard to the effect of the blood wave viscosity with blood physiological and blood pressure and resistance are discussed in detail too. Weobserved that venous injection of demethyladrenalin made a dog’s vessels contract and in-crease in resistance while that of parasitic loranthus made the vessels relax and decrease in resistance, and variations of the pressure sphygmogram of the dog’s radial artery conformed to theoretical results Besides, taking the pressure sphygmogram of radial artery correspond-ing to smooth, normal and wiry pulses of the pulse conditions in traditional Chinese medicine as examples, we discussed the effect of related physiological parameters on these sphygmo-gram, which also conformed to the classical statement of the wiry, normal and smooth pulsesin tr aditional Chinese medicine.