迄今为止,国内外学者多认为地方性克汀病所表现的智力障碍和全身生长发育迟缓特征是不可逆的。我们于1985年11月~1986年6月在住院条件下,给克汀病患儿服用“智聪片”,观察其是否使患儿逆转,现将结果报告如下: 一般情况 11例患者均来自贵阳市乌当区,其中男性3例,女性8例,年龄在8~21岁之间,平均14.8岁。调查全部病例父辈无近亲结婚史,按1980年全国地方性甲状腺肿、地方性克汀病学术交流与科研协作会议制定的诊断标准(试行)收治病人,其中轻度3例;中度3例;重
So far, many scholars at home and abroad think that endemic cretinism is characterized by mental retardation and general growth retardation characteristics are irreversible. We from November 1985 to June 1986 in hospital conditions, patients with cretinism take “Chi-chip” to observe whether they reverse the children, the results are reported as follows: In general, 11 patients were from Wudang District, Guiyang City, including 3 males and 8 females, aged 8 to 21 years old, with an average of 14.8 years old. All cases of fathers were investigated without marriages. According to diagnostic criteria (trial) formulated by the National Goiter of endemic goiter and endemic cretinism in 1980, the patients were admitted to the hospital, of which 3 were mild; 3 were moderate; weight