Hydrochemistry of the Natural Low p H Groundwater in the Coastal Aquifers near Beihai, China

来源 :Journal of Ocean University of China | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sdqzdx
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Natural weak acidic groundwater occurs in the unconfined and confined aquifers consisting of Quaternary and Neogene unconsolidated sediments near Beihai in southern Guangxi, China. Under natural conditions the groundwater has low TDS(less than 200 mg L-1) and low concentrations of trace elements(less than 100 μg L-1) with a deceasing tend in contents of the Lanthanides(rare earth elements, less than 1 μg L-1) towards higher atomic number. The groundwater ranges in p H from 3.33 to 7.0 with an average value of 5.12(even lower than that of local rainwater, 5.88). p H values in the groundwater are a bit higher in rainy seasons than those in dry seasons and do not show significant increasing or decreasing trend with time. The average p H value in groundwater in the confined aquifers is even a bit lower than that in the unconfined aquifer. Comprehensive analyses of the groundwater environment suggest that H+ in the groundwater may be derived from dissociation of H2CO3, release of the absorbed H3O+ in clay layers and the acidity of rainwater. The H2CO3 in the groundwater may be formed by dissolution of CO2(g). Minerals in the unconsolidated sediment are predominated by quartz with small amount of clay minerals. The sediments undergoing a long-term weathering contain low levels of soluble constitutes. Lack of alkaline substances in the groundwater system is also helpful in the accumulation of acidity of the groundwater. Natural weak acidic groundwater occurs in the unconfined and confined aquifers consisting of Quaternary and Neogene unconsolidated sediments near Beihai in southern Guangxi, China. Under natural conditions the groundwater has low TDS (less than 200 mg L-1) and low concentrations of trace elements ( less than 100 μg L-1) with a deceasing tend in contents of the Lanthanides (rare earth elements, less than 1 μg L-1) towards higher atomic number. The groundwater ranges in p H from 3.33 to 7.0 with an average value of 5.12 (even lower than that of local rainwater, 5.88). P H values ​​in the groundwater are a bit higher in rainy seasons than those in dry seasons and do not show significant increasing or decreasing trend with time. The average p H value in groundwater in the confined aquifers is even a bit lower than that in the unconfined aquifer. Comprehensive analyzes of the groundwater environment suggest that H + in the groundwater may be derived from dissociation of H2CO3, release of the abso The H2CO3 in the groundwater may be formed by dissolution of CO2 (g). Minerals in the unconsolidated sediment are predominated by quartz with small amount of clay minerals. The sediments undergoing a long-term weathering contain low levels of soluble constitutes. Lack of alkaline substances in the groundwater system is also helpful in the accumulation of acidity of the groundwater.
摘 要:本文通过观察金融危机和欧债危机以来的国际需求、我国的人口结构对劳动力和储蓄率的影响以及我国经济增长结构中,消费贡献占比提升的可能性和沿海、内陆发展的差异化,尝试分析我国目前至2020年宏观经济增速仍将保持快速增长的原因。  关键词:经济增长;劳动力供给;储蓄率;增长结构  中图分类号:F061.2;F124文献标识码:A doi:10.3969/j.issn.1672-3309(x).
[摘 要] 分析化学教学的实施对促进学生分析化学专业能力的提升具有不可忽视的作用,现实中的分析化学教学的改革情况还有许多急需解决的问题,以分析化学教学改革为视角开展相关的研究是极具现实意义的。   [关 键 词] 分析化学;教学改革;内容;教学手段   [中图分类号] G712 [文献标志码] A [文章编号] 2096-0603(2015)19-0118-02  