薛文波先生是上世纪著名的回族学者,学识渊博,多才多艺。一生汲汲追求真理,为弘扬回回民族爱国爱教的传统精神而努力。中年遭遇冤案,蒙受巨大苦难;晚年幸逢改革开放,以有限的精力投入到回族历史文化和中国伊斯兰教问题的研究,取得重要成绩,对回族学学科的建设作出了重要贡献。他的遗稿已被汇编成《雪岭重泽》1、2两卷出版,今逢薛先生逝世20周年之际,《雪岭重泽》的第 3卷即将出版,作者特撰序言以志纪念。
Mr. Xue Wenbo is a famous Hui scholars of the last century, rich in knowledge and versatile. Throughout his life, he pursued the truth and worked hard to carry forward the traditional spirit of returning the nation to love and teach in religion. Middle-aged suffered injustice, suffered tremendous suffering; late fortunate reform and opening up, with limited energy into the Hui history and culture and Islamic studies in China, made important achievements, made an important contribution to the construction of the discipline of the Hui nationality. His manuscript has been compiled into “Snow Ridge” 1, 2 volumes published, the current 20th anniversary of Mr. Xue’s death on the occasion of the “Snow Ridge,” the third volume is about to be published, .