乡下的牛羊多,城里的汽车多。这话是常年生活在山乡的表哥第一次进城时发的感慨,他归纳得简单有趣。表哥还若有所思地解释说,那是因为城里的路好,乡下的草好。表哥从没出过远门,第一次专程到城里看望我时就坐了两天的长途车。他一下车,见满城的灯火辉煌,遍地车水马龙,感觉无从下脚,便开玩笑说,自己是不是已经重新托生到了另一个人世了!看来表哥对城市生活的第一印象有些怪异。 表哥的见怪于汽车,让我想起了少小离家到县城求学的岁月。那时的班车极不正点,
More cattle and sheep in the country, many cars in the city. These words are perennial mountain cousin made the first time into the city of emotion, he summed up is simple and interesting. Cousin also thoughtfully explained that it is because the road in the city is good, the grass in the country is good. Cousin never made a long trip, the first time I made a special trip to the city to see when I took a two-day long-distance car. As soon as he got out of the car and saw the glittering lights of the city, he was jittery all over the place and jokingly said that he had re-born to another world! It seems that his cousin’s first impression of urban life is somewhat weird. Cousin’s strange in the car, reminds me of a little left home to study in the county’s years. At that time the train is very punctual,