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乾隆四十七年(1782年)四月二十日,先是翰林院,接着是吏部,分别向乾隆皇帝弘历上奏,报告在5天前的“常朝”时发生了越班事件。乾隆闻报后十分恼火,即指派专人为承办大臣,负责查实,准备对违制越班的人予以惩处。一时间,紫禁城内沸沸扬扬,接受召见的官员更是人心惶惶,唯恐祸从天降。越班事件是怎么回事呢?清制,皇帝“常朝”召见官员时,官员要行谢恩礼。谢恩的官员不仅要提前到达,并且要按照事先安排的品级出班次行礼,任何人不得站错班次,也不得逾越或交谈。四月十五日这天,乾隆皇帝到太和殿视朝,接受召见的官员早就聚集在丹墀雨道的两旁候驾,行谢恩礼。不料散朝以后,翰林院编修许兆椿对人说,是日行谢恩礼时,他见到一个身穿二品武职补服的人竟然越班走过甬道,实乃大不敬。消息传出后,引起翰林院的重视。清代规章制度严格, Forty-seven years of Qianlong (1782) On April 20, the first one was the Imperial Academy, followed by the Ministry of Civil Service, which separately conducted the inscription to the Emperor Qianlong of Hong Kong. It was reported that an overtime incident occurred during the “Chang Chao” five days ago . After Qianlong heard the newspaper was very angry, that is, appoint someone to undertake the minister, is responsible for verifying, preparing to punish those who violate the law. For a time, the uproar in the Forbidden City, the officials summoned is even more panic, the only fear of disaster from heaven. Overthrown incident is how the case? Qing Dynasty, the emperor, “often” to summon officials, officials would like to thank grace ceremony. Shane’s officials not only have to arrive early, but also have to work out of classes according to the pre-arranged grade. No one may stand in the wrong order or be allowed to cross or talk. On April 15 this day, Emperor Qianlong visited the Hall of Supreme Harmony and the summoned officials long ago congregated on both sides of the Dan-Dan rainstorm to drive and give thanks. Unexpectedly, after the Ch’ing dynasty, the Hanlin Academy edited Xu Zhao-chun and told him that it was a great disrespect to see a man dressed in a second-class military career serving as a cross-class corps. The news came out, causing the attention of Imperial College. The strict rules and regulations of the Qing Dynasty,
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