药品变质可通过外观性状的改变表现出来。因此用眼看、鼻闻、口尝等方法也能大致判断药品是否变质。 片剂或胶囊剂 药物受潮,发霉、裂片、松散、变色或粘连后不宜服用。如避孕药片受潮后会失去避孕效果;维生素C片存放过久颜色变黄,其中维生素C含量已下降;感冒清胶囊受潮后发生粘连、发霉,
Drug deterioration can be manifested by changes in appearance and appearance. Therefore, with the eyes, nose smell, taste and other methods can also be roughly determine whether the deterioration of drugs. Tablets or capsules drugs damp, moldy, lobes, loose, discoloration or adhesions should not be taken. Such as contraceptive tablets damp will lose the effect of contraception; vitamin C tablets stored too long yellow color, of which vitamin C content has dropped; cold capsule after damp adhesions, moldy,