说到纯粹的驾驶者之车,几乎没有哪个名字能像GT3、A110更能激起如此强烈的感动。今年二者都回归了,其中一位经历了超长的缺席。那么,保时捷和阿尔派都为我们准备了什么呢?自从让·海德雷(JEAN REDELE,阿尔派创始人)的传奇运动车小厂在20年前关门大吉以来,阿尔派的名字就像钻入迷雾中的尾灯灯光,淡出了我们的脑海。1995年,最后一台A610从Dieppe生产线下线,公司终于由于无法获得投资来支撑日益严苛的碰撞安全法规而倒闭。
Speaking of pure driver’s car, almost no name can be like GT3, A110 even more aroused such a strong move. Both returned this year, one of whom experienced a prolonged absence. So what have Porsche and the Alpine sent us for? Alpine’s name has been drilled since the legendary sports car factory Jean Derendi closed its doors 20 years ago Tail lights in the fog, faded out of our minds. In 1995, the last A610 was taken offline from the Dieppe production line, and the company finally went bankrupt as it failed to obtain the investment to underpin the increasingly stringent crash safety regulations.