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环顾近世各国,莫不以实现民主政治为政治上的最高目标.那么什么是民主政治呢?中外学者给民主政治下过很多定义,比如:“所谓民主政治就是当行使国家权力时,要尽量使多数人民的意见参与统治过程的制度”,“民主就是社会所有成年人参加作出具有普遍意义的决定”,“政治民主指的是按照多数人的意志,通过预定的程序和决策方式,对国家和社会进行管理”.在我国,人们引用最多的是列宁关于民主的论述.列宁指出:“民主是一种国家形式,一种国家形态”,民主就是“使极大多数人即劳动者实际参加国家的管理”.民主一词的概念渊源于希腊字,意思是人民的权力,也就是人民的政治权力.民主的概念早在古希腊罗马时期的奴隶制共和国就已出现,这些奴隶制共和国同君主专制和寡头政治的国家不同,它实行的是奴隶主民主政治.专制制度是一种向上的结构,权力逐级向上负责,最后集中到一个人手里,寡头政治基本上也是一种向上的结构,但 Looking at all countries in the world today, it is impossible to achieve the supreme political goal of democracy, so what are democratic politics? Chinese and foreign scholars have defined democratic politics in many ways. For example, “the so-called democratic politics means that when exercising state power, The system of people's opinions participating in the process of domination ”,“ Democracy is the decision of all adults in society to make universal significance. ”“ Political democracy means referring to the will of the majority, through the predetermined procedure and decision-making method, to state and society ”Lenin pointed out:“ Democracy is a form of state and a state, ”and democratization means“ making the overwhelming majority of the people actually participate in the state Management. ”The concept of democracy comes from the Greek word meaning the power of the people, that is, the people's political power. The concept of democracy as early as the ancient Greek and Roman slavery republics have emerged, these slavery republic with monarchy Unlike the oligarchic countries, which practiced the democracy of the slave-owners, the autocratic system is an upward-oriented structure and power Level responsible for upward, and finally concentrated in the hands of one person, oligarchy is essentially also a progressive structure,
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有的奉为神圣象征,有的沦为卖淫标志,岂止对男根顶礼膜拜,其实世界最流行的定情物—— Some are regarded as sacred symbols, and some become prostitution signs, more t