一、科属楝科楝属二、学名 Melia azedarach,又名:楝枣子、苦楝子。三、历史《神农本草经》中有记载。因其种子味苦,其叶能炼物,故得名苦楝。四、植物形态落叶乔木,高可达20余米。树皮纵裂暗褐色,幼枝绿色,老枝紫褐色,有多数灰白色皮孔。2-3回羽状复叶互生,叶柄大而圆,小叶卵形或椭圆形,先端长尖,边缘有齿缺。圆锥花序腋生;花淡紫色,倒披针形,外面有毛。核果圆卵形或近球形,长约1.5-3厘米,淡黄色,有光泽。种子长椭圆形,暗褐
First, the genus Melia Melia two, scientific name Melia azedarach, also known as: Melia date, Melia. Third, the history of “Shen Nong’s Materia Medica” in the record. Because of its bitter seeds, the leaves can be refined, so named Melia. Fourth, plant deciduous trees, up to 20 meters high. Bark longitudinal dark brown, young branches green, old branches purple brown, with most of the gray lenticels. 2-3-pinnately compound leaves alternate, petioles large and round, leaflets ovate or oval, apex long pointed, the edge of a dentate. Panicle axillary; flowers lavender, oblanceolate, outside hairy. Drupe oval or subglobose, ca. 1.5-3 cm, yellowish, shiny. Seeds long oval, dark brown