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大约以本世纪60年代为界,西方社会的生活方式经历了一次大变动,这一变动在文学艺术上有充分的反映。以传播最广的群众性艺术电影来说,三四十年代美国好莱坞的所谓“大腿片”,当时被认为“香艳肉感”的,现在看起来几乎是非常保守、非常清教徒化的了。这30年来,不但特制的“成人片”赤裸裸地宣扬性行为,大多数的电影都少不了“床上镜头”,好象非此不足以招揽观众。音乐和舞蹈也是如此,三四十年代流行 About 60s of this century as a world, the Western society has undergone a major lifestyle changes, the change in the literature and art have fully reflected. To spread the most popular mass art films, the so-called “thigh films” of Hollywood in the 1930s and 1940s, which were then considered “fragrant,” now seem almost very conservative and very Protestant. For the past 30 years, not only has the special “adult film” sexually advertised sexually, but most films have indispensable “bed-side shots” as if they were not enough to attract the audience. The same is true for music and dance, popular in the 1940s