
来源 :北京体育大学学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tastgaoyan1981
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百年大计,教育为本。教育大计,教师为本。教育的关键是教师,公安院校体育教学的关键在于有一支合格而充足的体育教师队伍,因为他们不但是体育文化的传播者,而且是学校体育工作的组织者和直接参与者。发展公安院校体育教育必须有一支热爱警察教育事业的体育教师队伍。1研究对象? Education is the foundation. Teacher are the base of education plan. The key to education is teachers. The key to physical education in public security colleges and universities is to have a qualified and sufficient number of physical education teachers because they are not only the disseminators of sports culture, but also the organizers and direct participants in school sports. To develop the physical education in public security colleges and universities must have a contingent of PE teachers who love police education. 1 research object?
亚细亚作为中国第一家正式的电影制片公司,开启了中国电影制片业的大门,也为中国人自己经营电影制作起到了启蒙的作用。 As the first official movie production company i
对于新片此次与周星驰交手,周杰伦回答的很坦白:“周星驰,那么牛的人,我居然和他争票房!就算争不过,我也虽败犹荣。” For the new film this fight with Stephen Chow, Jay
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“既然写文章已经电脑化甚至完全数字化了,为什么拍电影不行?” “Since writing articles has been computerized or even fully digitized, why not make movies?”
The year of 2005 marked the centennial anniversary of Chinese lm. Over the past century, lm has changed people’s ways of life, in uenced their ideas and concep