NBA新赛季能够如期进行,还要感谢劳资双方求同存异,顾全大局,于8月底达成妥协。 这样,有着广阔经济前景的NBA避免了职业棒球和冰球的罢工局面。NBA劳资双方从其同行们身上汲取了教训,作出了明智的决定。他们知道,只要比赛正常进行,资方就是赢家。而对球员们来说亦是如此。虽然一些超级球星身价得不到充分补偿,但他们的薪水并不是令人寒碜的数目。事实上,NBA各队主力球员薪水都在200万美元以上。而NBA最低工资已提高到每年40万美元,这已是相当丰厚的了。对球迷们来说,百万富翁们闹工潮,实际上是很滑稽的事。
NBA season can be carried out as scheduled, but also thanks both employers and employees seek common ground while shelving differences, take into consideration the overall situation, reached a compromise by the end of August. In this way, the NBA with broad economic prospects avoided the strikes of professional baseball and ice hockey. NBA employers and employees learned from their peers, made a wise decision. They know that as long as the game goes on, the employer is the winner. And so for the players. Although some superstar players are not adequately compensated for their worth, their salary is not chilling. In fact, the main players in the NBA teams pay more than 200 million US dollars. The NBA’s minimum wage has risen to 400,000 US dollars per year, which is quite generous. To the fans, the millionaires who go on a business trip are in fact funny.