On April 17, Wang Shouang, a member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences who attended 182 seminars of the International Astronomical Association, asked the receptionists if there still existed the former ROC naval school site relocated to Tongzi County, Guizhou Province 60 years ago. He learned that this school not only existed but also local government also intends to repair it as early as possible, his desire to see the site was temporarily comfort. A 78-year-old man why so urgently inquire about this situation? During the meeting, Guizhou Provincial Department of reception in order to meet the wishes of Wang Lao deliberately arranged for him to make a special trip to Tongzi, in order to solve this mystery, the reporter also accompanied him this remote . When the car drove up to Guiyang to Zunyi Expressway, Wang Lao’s eyes constantly looked around, as if looking for that familiar