2月19日,美国消费品安全委员会与Old Navy公司联合宣布对中国产布绒玩具实施自愿性召回。此次被召回的布绒玩具为卡通形象玩具,眼睛均由塑料纽扣作装饰。玩具接缝处的标签上标有产品款式号。被召回的玩具类型和款式号分别为:褐色格子花呢卡通
On February 19, the US Consumer Product Safety Commission and Old Navy jointly announced the voluntary recall of Chinese-made velor toys. The recall of cloth velvet toys for the cartoon image of toys, eyes decorated with plastic buttons. Toy seams at the label marked with the product style number. Recalled toy types and styles are: brown plaid tweed cartoon