行风建设工作开展以来,平陆国税局紧紧围绕“树立行业 新风、优化发展环境”这一主题,按照县委县政府及市局的安排 部署,认真学习贯彻“三个代表”的重要思想,坚持“标本兼治、 纠建并举”的方针,不断拓宽视野、创新形式、挖掘潜力,用大胆 不离奇、新颖不抽象的方法,从优化纳税服务入手、从解决税收 执法找出路,在“评”字上做文章,在“纠”字上下功夫,在“实” 字上求效果,在“建”字上求发展,动真抓实、不走过场,深入持 久广泛地开展行风建设活动,收到了较为明显的社会效果。
Since the establishment of the business ethos, Pingluo IRS has been closely following the theme of “establishing a fresh environment for the industry and optimizing the environment for development”. According to the arrangements made by the county government and the municipal council, the Pingluo IRS conscientiously studied and implemented the “three represents” , Adhere to the principle of “treating both the symptoms and the essence, rectify and reconcile”, continue to broaden their horizons, innovate forms and tap potentials. Starting with the optimization of tax payment services, we should start with the solution of tax law enforcement Way out, make a fuss about the word “evaluation”, work hard on the word “correct”, seek the effect on the word “real”, seek development on the word “build”, , They did not go through the field and carried out the extensive and sustained conduct of the tramp construction and received more obvious social effects.