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曾经有一段时间,台湾广告圈不停宣导不加班政策,因为不知道从什么时候开始,“过劳死”成为台湾广告人的不定时炸弹,一件件的猝死事件,让绚烂的广告圈蒙上一层沉重的阴影。有创意人连续加班三天三夜,回家睡觉之后一觉不醒;有媒体人交际应酬饮酒过量,因猛爆性肝炎致死;有企划人员长期承受压力,在一个周末在家倒地不起……他们都是我们身边的朋友或工作伙伴,让我们不胜唏嘘。台湾广告圈的工作压力未减,但是广告人的健康意识提高了不少。随着市场竞争转移到国内曾经发生在台湾广告人身上的巨大工作压力似乎也蔓延到国内,甚至有日益剧烈的趋势。只希望台湾广告人早逝的生命可以给国内广告人一些警惕,请正视我们自己的身体健康。现在,就请停下手边的工作问问自己以下的问题吧: There was a period of time when Taiwan’s advertising circles kept proclaiming the policy of not working overtime because they did not know when the “overwork” became an occasional bomb for Taiwan’s advertisers. The sudden death of a piece made the glittering advertising circle Cast a heavy shadow. There are creative people overtime for three days and three nights in a row, after going home to sleep unconsciously; media people socializing alcohol excessive drinking, due to immature hepatitis died; there are planners under long-term pressure to fall home at a weekend can not afford to ... ... They are friends or working partners around us, let us reluctantly marvel. Work pressure on Taiwan’s advertising circle has not diminished, but the advertising awareness of health has improved a lot. With the huge job pressure of shifting market competition to domestic advertisers who once occurred in Taiwan, it seems that the pressure has also spread to China and even the trend of ever-increasing intensity. I only hope that the life of an ad premature death in Taiwan can give domestic advertisers some vigilance. Please address our own health. Now, stop working and ask yourself the following questions:
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