Growth, physiological characteristics and ion distribution of NaCl stressed Alhagi sparsifolia seedl

来源 :Chinese Science Bulletin | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cheerlucky
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Alhagi sparsifolia is a leguminous perennial desert species that is plays an important role in dune stabilization and revegetation of degraded desert ecosystems. We investigated the effects of three different levels of salinity (50, 150, 250 mmol/L NaCl) on the growth, shoot photosynthetic parameters and salt distribution amongst different plant organs in one-year-old A. sparsifolia seedlings in a pot experiment over a 50 d period. The minimum (predawn) and maximum (midday) water potentials of A. sparsifolia seedlings decreased with the increase of external NaCl concentrations as a consequence of the osmotic or water deficit effect of saline solutions outside the roots. Salinity also reduced gas exchange parameters in A. sparsifolia, with seedlings subjected to salinity having lower photosynthesis rates and reduced stomatal conductances compared to the control. The reductions in photosynthetic rates in high salinity treatments of the A. sparsifolia seedlings were mainly caused by stomatal limitation. Consequently plants growing at greater external NaCl concentrations had significantly lower biomass accumulation compared to the control grown at 50 mmol/L. However, plants exposed to higher salinity were able to maintain growth throughout the experiment but allocated a greater proportion of biomass belowground. Plants exposed to higher external salinity levels had increased concentrations of Na+ and Cl- ions in shoots and roots, suggesting that A. sparsifolia seedlings were utilizing Na+ and Cl- as osmolytes to increase the cellular osmolality and decrease their water potential. We observed the greatest NaCl concentrations in the plants treated with 150 mmol/L NaCl indicating that there may be a threshold level of NaCl that can be tolerated by the plants. In conclusion our results indicate that A. sparsifolia seedlings are moderately salt tolerant. Photosynthetic gas exchange parameters were reduced by greater external salinity but the seedlings maintained substantial photosynthetic rates even under high salinity stress, were able to maintain growth over the 50 d experimental period and showed no signs of salinity toxicity or damage. Alhagi sparsifolia is a leguminous perennial desert species that is plays an important role in dune stabilization and revegetation of degraded desert ecosystems. We investigated the effects of three different levels of salinity (50, 150, 250 mmol / L NaCl) on the growth, shoot photosynthetic parameters and salt distribution amongst different plant organs in one-year-old A. sparsifolia seedlings in a pot experiment over a 50 d period. The minimum (predawn) and maximum (midday) water potentials of A. sparsifolia seedlings decreased with the increase of external NaCl concentrations as a consequence of the osmotic or water deficit effect of saline solutions outside the roots. Salinity also reduced gas exchange parameters in A. sparsifolia, with seedlings subjected to salinity having lower photosynthesis rates and reduced stomatal conductances compared to the control. The reductions in photosynthetic rates in high salinity treatments of the sp. Sparsifolia seedlings were mainly caused by stoma tal limitation. Plant growth at greater external NaCl concentrations had significantly lower biomass accumulation compared to the control grown at 50 mmol / L. However, plants exposed to higher salinity were able to maintain growth throughout the experiment but allocated a greater proportion of biomass belowground . Plants exposed to higher external salinity levels had increased concentrations of Na + and Cl- ions in shoots and roots, suggesting that A. sparsifolia seedlings were utilizing Na + and Cl- as osmolytes to increase the cellular osmolality and decrease their water potential. We observed the greatest NaCl concentrations in the plants treated with 150 mmol / L NaCl indicating that there may be a threshold level of NaCl that can be tolerated by the plants. In conclusion our results indicate that A. sparsifolia seedlings are moderately salt tolerant. Photosynthetic gas exchange parameters were reduced by greater external salinity but the seedlings maintained substantialphotosynthetic rates even under high salinity stress, were able to maintain growth over the 50 d experimental period and showed no signs of salinity toxicity or damage.
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