传播企业创新经验 推进行业转型发展 中国石油和化学工业联合会 会长李勇武谈创新探索

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进入“十二五”以来,中国石油和化工行业继续保持较快速度发展,与此同时,产品结构性过剩、增长方式粗放问题日益突出,成为制约行业由大变强的瓶颈。调结构、转方式既是中国石化行业的一项重大课题,也是中国石化联合会引导行业稳健发展的重要任务。为此,联合会总结了28家作出突出成绩的石油和化工企业在调结构、转方式方面的典型经验,连同5家跨国公司的发展经验一起,编辑出版 Since entering the “Twelfth Five-year Plan”, China’s oil and chemical industry have maintained a relatively rapid development. At the same time, the problem of extensive product structure and excessively extensive growth mode has become increasingly prominent, which has become a bottleneck restricting the industry from becoming a major powerhouse. Adjusting the structure and mode of transformation is not only an important issue for Sinopec industry, but also an important task for SINOPEC to guide the steady development of the industry. To this end, the Federation has summarized the typical experiences of 28 oil and chemical companies that have made outstanding achievements in adjusting their structure and mode of operation. Together with the development experience of five multinational corporations, the Federation compiled and published