I do not know if you like to watch sporting events like the moment a soccer goalkeeper hits a ball, a basketball player snatches a blue cricket ball, and a beautiful softball game. A responsive softball fielder jumps up and catches the flying softball with his hand. When the outfielder flexible pace, it is almost like dancing ballet. “As the fielder sees the softball being hit, the brain’s visual system begins to receive visual signals, the eye is on the flying softball and begins to calculate the trajectory of the softball flight,” said a brain-neuroscientist. “In just a short time In microseconds, millions of signals are transmitted to hundreds of muscle cells, indicating in what direction and how much power the various muscles send to catch softballs flying in. Countless signals travel back and forth between the brain and limbs Necessary corrections to make the jumped body and raised softball touch the same softball and catch the ball. ”Thinking and imagining allows the brain to learn how to control muscle activity. Practice your piano in your head to speed up your playing skills.