我单位用清栓酶治疗“脑血栓”时间较长,但用于视网膜中央动脉阻塞并发脑血栓还是首例,现报告如下: 病历摘要:郑守荣,男性,70岁,吉林籍,因右眼视力下降半年,于1990年12月4日入院。头晕、头痛后突然右眼视力障碍,视物模糊不清,无眼球胀痛及虹视,经白求恩医大一院眼科检查诊断“右视网膜中央动脉阻塞”,同时给予血管扩张药对症治疗,效果不明显,近一月视力下降明显,故入院治疗。查体,体温36℃,脉搏88次/min,呼吸20次/min,血压17.3/10.67kpa。一般情况尚可,神志清楚,自动体位,全身皮肤粘膜未见出血点及黄染,浅表淋巴结不大,头颅无畸型,耳鼻无
My unit treated with thrombolytic enzyme “cerebral thrombosis” for a long time, but for the central retinal artery occlusion complicated by cerebral thrombosis or the first case, are as follows: Medical records summary: Zheng Shourong, male, 70 years old, Jilin, due to right eye vision Decline of six months, on December 4, 1990 admission. Dizziness, sudden right eye dysfunction after headache, blurred vision, no eye pain and sightedness, diagnosed by Bethune Medical College Eye examination “right central retinal artery occlusion”, while giving vasodilator symptomatic treatment, the effect is not Obviously, visual acuity decreased significantly in January, so the admission treatment. Physical examination, body temperature 36 ℃, pulse 88 beats / min, breathing 20 beats / min, blood pressure 17.3 / 10.67kpa. The general situation is acceptable, conscious, automatic position, the body skin and mucous membrane no bleeding and yellow dye, superficial lymph node is not large, no malformations of the skull, no nose and otorrhea