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完善民主监督制度,是党的十五大提出的一个具有现实针对性的任务,是发展社会主义民主政治的重要内容。当前要做好以下工作:第一,要把完善民主监督制度作为政治体制改革的重要内容。我们党的所有干部,都是人民的公仆,必须接受人民和法律的监督,这在社会主义制度下是不言而喻的。因为,在社会主义国家里,一切权力属于人民,干部的权力是人民赋予的,人民有权对其进行监督。实践证明,任何不受监督的权力都会走向腐败。完善民主监督,既能保证权力的性质不会被腐蚀而变质,也能避免干部的腐化、堕落。然而,在现实生活中,由于民主监督制度还不完善,致使一些世界观没有改造好的干部,在工作和生活中钻了空子,干了损人利己、 Improving the system of democratic supervision is a reality-oriented task proposed by the 15th National Party Congress and an important part of the development of socialist democratic politics. At present, the following work should be done: First, to improve the system of democratic supervision as an important part of political system reform. All cadres in our party are public servants of the people and must be supervised by the people and the law. This is self-evident under the socialist system. Because in socialist countries all power belongs to the people, the power of cadres is given by the people, and the people have the right to supervise them. Practice has proved that any uncontrolled power will go to corruption. Perfecting democratic supervision will not only ensure that the nature of power will not be deteriorated by corrosion but also prevent the cadres from being corrupt and degraded. However, in real life, due to the imperfect system of democratic supervision, some world outlooks have not been transformed into good cadres, they have exploited their own jobs and their lives,
河南汉文化精神就是儒学在汉代河南发展中形成的世界观和人生观,它影响着汉代河南的社会实践和社会生活。其内容主要有人本主义精神、礼制精神和天人合一精神。 The spirit o
督促检查是领导行为,领导不仅是决策的主体,也是抓落实的主体。领导在推动决策落实中具有不可替代的作用,我们把他称为第一推动力作用。当前,无 To supervise and inspect
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文化信息资源共享工程是一项利民惠民工程。文章对安阳县文化信息资源共享工程的建设情况进行了回顾,就工程运行中出现的问题进行了总结思考。 Cultural Information Resour
标题上的话,是邓小平同志1985年在党的全国代表会议上说的。12年时间过去了,至今仍然有着深刻的指导意义。 良好的党风,是社会主义精神文明的高度体现,是社会主义精神文明发