类型的概念 乍一看,将影片按类型分类,似乎是最武断不过的,除非划出五六个一清二白的范畴。有人甚至会说,只有蹩脚影片才能被轻易地划入某种类型。所以我们不如采用主要特征或动力线之类的概念,并在归纳时不依据影片的故事及其表面内容而依据下面的两个基本元素:含蓄的内容和影片的风格。
TYPES OF TYPES At first glance, it seems plausible to categorize films by genre, unless you identify exactly one or two distinct categories. Someone would even argue that only crappy films can be easily classified as some type. So we might as well adopt the notion of main features or power lines, and based on the film’s story and its superficial content, we will base the following two basic elements: subtle content and the style of the film.